Oh, hey, I guess I missed you when you came in. Go ahead and
make yourself at home. Welcome to Kengine Gaming. This is
where I will host all of the freeware games and programs that I
make in my spare time. Thats right, feel free to download any of
them and enjoy. Most of my games are the type of small games that
you play in your spare time. If, however, you like them so much that
you make time to play them, all the better!
-Ken (Elmernite)
Whether you’re playing Greek number mode or Egyptian letter mode, the number one rule to keep in mind is keeping the scales balanced –
but it’s not that easy. As you try to gain points by completing equations or words, blocks drop down from above and throw off the weight
of the scales. That’s right; the game is not on your side. Heavy blocks and dynamite blocks begin to complicate things as well, adding to
the pandemonium; let either scale tip too soon, and your hopes at making the online high-scores will be history.
But be sure to keep an eye out for the golden blocks; take advantage of them, and your name could be shining in the Top 10.

So you get to customize your own Cell. Start off with a name. Body color and the head color come next. Afro or Spartan helmet on top? Or
just a slim pair of shades? Now you pick the level. Do you want to duke it out on the moon, or hit and run on the pyramids? Don't forget level
difficulty. You'll probably have to start out on Granny - only fools enjoy getting whipped on Extreme. Make sure you decide whether you want
to play Capture-the-Flag or a just a round of the good ol'Brawl. There's also Survivor mode. And five others, but who's counting? You won't
worry about weapons; there will be plenty to choose from. Oh yeah. Don't forget to pick the color you bleed; because when the flamethrower
gets you, that'll be the only thing that shows.

After a Helix collapse in an element mine ruins your element shifter, you are forced to continue
shifting back and forth between the elements of fire and ice. Each shift causes the mine to become more unstable.
How long can you survive?

Puck! Get ready to rack your brain, think twice, and un-puzzle the puzzle! An original puzzler, Puck contains near fifty incremental levels, from
a tutorial to introduce you to Puck's laws of gravity, to increasingly harder levels that will prepare you to become a Puck Master! Puck comes
complete with a level maker, allowing your own creative genius to take control. Stump your friends, stump yourself. Try it now!

Starships; Boats; Missiles; Buildings. In the world of virtual gaming, they all blow up! And now Explogen V2.0 is here to help you do it…
All game makers can now create original explosions for a variety of game styles and types, including top-down and platform. The flexibility of the program and multiple options available to the creator make the explosions fit the game's style, instead of the unfortunate, yet often seen, vice versa. Multiple styles, types, colors are available; any kind is possible! No two will ever be exactly alike...
With Explogen V.2, the only limit is your creativity.
All game makers can now create original explosions for a variety of game styles and types, including top-down and platform. The flexibility of the program and multiple options available to the creator make the explosions fit the game's style, instead of the unfortunate, yet often seen, vice versa. Multiple styles, types, colors are available; any kind is possible! No two will ever be exactly alike...
With Explogen V.2, the only limit is your creativity.